Patrice and Associates, Hospitality Recruiting Firm

A career helping people make their next career move can be highly rewarding, both personally and financially. You work to connect our client companies with qualified management candidates.

For many, it’s the best of both worlds. You have independence and control over your own business, but you are also backstopped by the experience, resources and relationships Patrice & Associates has built over 20 years as one of the nation’s leading hospitality recruiting firms. This means you have built in clients, a nationwide database of candidates, access to all the major job boards – and experienced colleagues training and supporting you at every step.

As a franchise owner, you are entitled to the highest possible commission rate for each placement, territory overrides, the ability to build your own team of recruiters and resume job board access.

This career path requires self-discipline, ambition and the right personality to work from home and to succeed as a recruiter.


Franchisor Details

Total Investment:

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Training & Support:


Franchised Units:


Franchise Fee:


Categories: Business Services

We’re Here for You!

Contact us today. Let us match you with the perfect franchise. Call today for a free franchise consultation.


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